Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Will Eisner

     Will Eisner's comic is more like a comic book full of short stories. Before I started reading I got the impression that Eisner's work would be more like that of  Disney for the mere fact that his signature resembles that of Walt Disney's. But all to soon this thought was done away with by reading "A Contract with God","The Street Singer", "The Super" and "Cookalein". I read "A Contract with God" first and had the idea that Eisner liked to write about people's problems and about their lives and that he may even be religious or used to be religious. But then I continued to read the others and began to see rather quickly that Eisner had the fancy to write about the naughty things people do or get themselves into. In fact, it is the first comic I have seen which has, not only nudity, but sexual activity going on. I will say, I think it is nice how Eisner sets his story up. I like how he does pages of text with spot illustrations to set the scene before he has his characters say anything (an example is below). Also, like you can see above, his illustration's themselves are also rather good. He does not use color, but his line work is very skillful. I love how he lets things disappear and only shows what is need to make the mood and/ or the point of what he wants to say. I also noticed that most all of his stories end badly. The man who made the contract with God dies, the Super is framed for raping a ten year old and kills himself, the singer forgets the alley in which Maria found him and therefore will not become a famous singer like he planned, etc. But as well, all that die or are in trouble by the end of the story are those who created mischief anyway. For example, the guy that made a contract with God used the churches money for his own pleasure, the singer cheated on his pregnant wife and child, and the super paid a nickel to look at the ten year old girl. Lastly, I think Eisner was very big on stereotyping and I know he made some comments towards Jewish people especially.

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